About Us

Welcome to a new world, the world we wake up to, every day, in new and thrilling ways.

Let us introduce ourselves.

“I feel I am a Nature element who decided to play human for a while.”

I am Anna Suvorova.

I grew up with nature in a land that is currently Ukraine.

Since an early age, I was mesmerised by plants, trees and our little furry friends. Nature has been my friend, my teacher and my only home since I remember myself.

 Having a grandmother who was a medicine woman has been the greatest blessing of my childhood. I learned from her about the importance of our connection to Nature, if we are to stay well and happy.

I was not a happy-healthy child, and so my natural self-healing path has begun very early in life. Learning about wellness, natural remedies, cleansing techniques, making all sorts of concoctions and creating  recipes, assisting natural healing on earth seem to be  my missions.

I get a kick out of witnessing people self-heal and  unplugging from the programming. It is like watching the sun rise!

Creating recipes is fun to me. I feel that humanity has to return back to Nature, if it is to make it through these changing times. I have created my own little food brand which I created for people in healing.

People call me so many names - healer, teacher, soul whisperer, mystic, food diva, etc. Those are just words to me.

I teach Yoga and Detox, throw all sorts of workshops on self-healing and offer different upgrades to people who are interested in Natures way...... I see myself as a guide.

I feel I am a Nature element who decided to play human for a while.

Meeting Lynnette has been one of the greatest gifts from the Universe, we share the same passions.... and we love creating together.

It is a soul sisterhood from another density that is hard to wrap in words.

We have a mission together - to empower people and that feels magical.

Lynnette and I are so grateful for all of You, showing interest in what we do here.

Thank you! Lets keep our gaze on what really matters in LIFE - Harmony with Nature, Wellness, Creativity, Joy and being of help to one another.

“I have lived amongst and played with the realm of plants since I could go outside. The mystery has always beckoned me.”

I am Lynnette Mackey.

I am native to the Northwoods of Minnesota in the US Of A. I am the owner and operator of Wild Child New Earth House Of Healing. I have lived amongst and played with the realm of plants since I could go outside. The mystery has always beckoned me. I acquainted myself with that world, our world, as much as possible. Taking long walks into the depths of the forest, where I’d sometimes loose a shoe to the bog. I’ve interacted, collected specimens, and now make medicines and elixirs with these plants I’ve been learning with for years. I see them as entities and friends, not all that different from you or I.

I’ve traveled to many parts of the earth, learning new languages and cultures and customs. I’ve made friends on 5 continents.

One such friend is Anna. We met at a Cafe in a small jungle village in Northern Thailand. Our friendship has deepened over the years, despite not having been in actual physical contact. She is a sister in the truest sense. A cosmic and Earth sistar. We began making raw chocolates together, grinding various spices up in the mortar and tossing them into the pot, creating new flavors, playing and laughing and learning. Now, we are writing books together. I am grateful to this woman every day. I am so excited to share our collective love, inspiration, and creativity with you all.

I am also a massage therapist, energetic body balancer, writer, painter, mother, musician, yogini….. and herbalist.