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Paleo Cookies
Lynnette Mackey Lynnette Mackey

Paleo Cookies

Paleo Cookies dipped in chocolate. Tasty, delicious, and easy to make.

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Homemade Pesto Recipe
Lynnette Mackey Lynnette Mackey

Homemade Pesto Recipe

This bright, fresh homemade pesto makes a flavorful sandwich spread or dip. I recommend making extra to freeze for additional greens after peak season comes to an end.

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Plant Based Parmesan Recipe
Lynnette Mackey Lynnette Mackey

Plant Based Parmesan Recipe

This is how we make our own plant based parmesan at home. It is easy, super healthy and it keeps well for up to a year refrigerated. We can add it to any meal we like - soup, stew or salad, we can sprinkle it on avocado.

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Boost Your Immunity with Super Foods
Lynnette Mackey Lynnette Mackey

Boost Your Immunity with Super Foods

Super Foods can boost your immunity like You can never imagine. Not only these super-power-bombs improve the way we look, slimmer cleaner and glowing, but we also get heaps of energy and begin to feel good.

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