Plant Based Parmesan Recipe

Plant Based Parmesan

This is how we make our own plant based parmesan at home. It is easy, super healthy and it keeps well for up to a year refrigerated. We can add it to any meal we like - soup, stew or salad, we can sprinkle it on avocado. We can also use our homemade parmesan in making homemade pesto.

Time: 7 mins

Tools: food processor, measure cups and spoons, glass jars for storage.


  • 1 cup of walnuts (preferably fresh)

  • 5 T Nutritional Yeast powder

  • 1/2 t sp of Himalayan salt

  • 1/4 t garlic powder, optional


  1. Process all into a desired consistency and store refrigerated in sealed jars.

  2. ENJOY!


Homemade Pesto Recipe


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