Boost Your Immunity with Super Foods

Super Foods can boost your IMMUNITY like You can never imagine.

Not only these super-power-bombs improve the way we look - we get slimmer, and inside-cleaner, we get a new glow, but we also get heaps of ENERGY and begin to FEEL GOOD.

Why is that?

There is not much information on super foods and not many talk about this subject, whatever is out there is mostly ridiculed and dismissed as something not approved by FDA or not being scientifically proven. The only reliable information You can get is from those of us who have been taking super foods for decades, experimented on our own SELF, and witnessed it's effects on others. As long as the system is designed to profit from sick people, super foods will never be taken seriously by the masses. The system profits from selling toxic pharmaceuticals that make us come back for more, not health-boosting products that turn us into super-humans not dependent on the system.

The thing is - super foods are on the opposite side of pharmaceuticals. They have a powerful effect on our DNA, they rejuvenate our cells, they activate our own in-built self-healing mechanism, and taken regularly, they create a rapid change that is hard not to notice, a very real experience that does not need anyone's approval or science to back it up.

What is Super Food?

Super foods are high vibrational edibles, they can come in fresh or dry form.
Super foods have been used by ancient civilizations.
For example SPIRULINA was referred to as "powerfood" by Aztecs. Raw Cacao was called "the food of the Gods",
"a stargate to the Soul" by Mayans.
No wonder that NASA proposed Spirulina for use by astronauts. And Raw Cacao became favorite food for those who find themselves on the path of TRANSFORMATION.

Benefits of Taking Super Foods

  • Natural healing.

  • Immunity Boosting.

  • DNA & original blueprint activating.

  • Detoxing & Cleansing.

  • Cell building.

  • Brain cell rejuvenation.

  • Antiviral

  • Anti-aging.

  • Resilience.

How To Take Super Foods

The best way to introduce these nutriceuticals into our life is by adding them to our smoothies. Super foods combine well with fruits, berries, sprouts, nut milk, coconut water and healing spices. If You are new to super foods, start slowly, one super food at a time, a tea spoon in your shake. This way You will have a chance to observe the alchemical reaction between your cells and the certain super food. We are all unique & have our own unique responses to edible substances. There are very few people who do not respond well to super foods. In 25 years of working with super foods, I met only three individuals who had an allergic reaction to them.

List of Super Foods to Consider:

  • TURMERIC (bio powder)





  • MACA







  • INCA BERRIES (aka Golden berries)


  • MATCHA TEA powder






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