Three Ah-MAZING DIPS made with plants.

The reason why so many of us do not think highly of vegetables is because no one really showed us what can be done with them.

For conscious eaters who have high expectations from their food - like the ones writing and many of you reading this- there is a lot to consider - freshness, looks, DF - Delishiousness Factor, nutritional & vibrational value.

For us, creative foodies, food is information, and.....when it comes to creating high vibe food -

Imagination is e v e r y t h i n g!

Here are a few ideas for those of You who are discovering the whole new world of HEALING PLANTS, those of you who
are no longer buying into the external programming, eating love-less fake foods.

We salute your evolution and the JOY you are about to discover and create, for you and your loved ones.

Food is meant to be CLEAN,  NURTURING, and EMPOWERING.

Let's have fun now, let's create.

Dip #1 Love Beet

< 2 beets, cooked, peeled & chopped

< 5 artichokes, marinated OR freshly cooked ( we usually get the ones marinated in olive oil)

< 2 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil  or Avocado Oil

< 2-3 garlic cloves (optional)

< 1-2 T lemon/lime juice, fresh

< 1/4 t Celtic/Himalayan Salt

< 1/2 t black pepper, always freshly ground

< 1/2 T /fresh/dry OREGANO/ROSEMARY OR any other herb mix of your liking.

Blend it all into a pretty-looking, super-medicinal treat that will satisfy your entire BEING.
If You are into natural healing, You can see what a powerful medicinal combination we have here..
Your LIVER will thank You for it... and so will your palate.

Dip #2  GO NUTS Dip (if you do not eat nuts&seeds - please move on to the next recipe)

  • 1 cup nuts OR seeds: cashews/almonds/ sunflower/pumpkin/hemp seeds, etc, soaked.

  • 1/4 cup Raw Coconut Oil, melted

  • 1 T lemon/lime juice, fresh. You can use ACV instead

  • 1/4 t Celtic/Himalayan salt

  • 1 T Nutri yeast powder 

  • 1 t dry THYME OR CUMIN powder(for slimming effect) OR crushed garlic - play with spices and herbs that you like. There is no limit to the flavors we get when we create our own FOOD.


< Avocado flesh, ripe
< 1 t lemon/lime skin, freshly grated
< 1 t Celtic/Himalayan salt
< 1 T ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)
< 1 T nutri yeast
< handful of chopped fresh herbs, such as basil/ parsley/sage/ oregano/coriander/etc
< 1 clove garlic, freshly grated (optional)
< 1 t fresh ground black pepper
< 1/3 cup spring water OR veggie juice

Feel free to add edible flowers, hemp/pumpkin seeds, herbs and your favorite spices.
Use your beautiful imagination while creating food. make friendship with healing plants and your human machine - BODY will love You for it.


 Your home-made dips store well in a refrigerator for up to 4 days, in sealed glass jars.
In our  kitchen they disappear faster than we can say “I Love You.”



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