Paleo Cookies

Paleo Cookies

 These gluten/grain free cookies are deeply satisfying on so many levels. They are easily one of the healthiest cookie recipes you can find anywhere, both nutritious and tasty.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, for those who eat paleo and avoid gluten, for people who are watching their weight, for kids, adults and all other sorts of cookie monsters. 

Gluten/Grain/Dairy/Egg/Soy/Additive free.

Tools: mixing bowl, wooden spoon, parchment paper

Active time - 15 mins plus 15 mins baking time.

 Makes around 20 cookies.


2 cups Paleo flour mix (instructions below)

5 heaped Tablespoons coconut sugar* 

1/2 cup raw coconut oil**

1/2 cup chopped nuts: walnuts/pecans/almonds

1/8 t Himalayan salt

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 375/190. Lay out the parchment paper on the baking tray.

Step 2. Prepare the paleo flour mix.

The following measurements will make 2 cups of paleo mix (precisely what we need for this recipe).

In a large mixing bowl combine together:

3/4 cup almond flour

1/2 cup arrow root flour

1/2 cup coconut flour 

1/4 cup tapioca flour

 Step 3. Add coconut sugar and salt to the paleo mix and whisk.

Step 4. Add the coconut oil to the mixture and work it with a spoon until it forms a cookie dough. 

Step 5. Add the chopped nuts into the dough and mix one more time.

Step 6. Pinch a little dough (about 1 Tablespoon full) and roll it into a ball.

Keep rolling, placing each cookie on the prepared baking tray. Make sure there is at least half an inch of space between each cookie, as they expand slightly during baking.

Bake for 11 - 12 minutes.

Let the cookies cool down completely before removing them from the backing tray.


You are welcome to enjoy these cookies as they are or you can take it one step further and cover them in your superfood chocolate coating.

Chocolate Dip Coating

1/4 cup cacao powder

1/4 cup cacao butter and/or coconut oil (a 50/50 of each works nicely)

2 T maple syrup (more or less depending on your preference)

Dash of finely ground sea salt

Melt the cacao butter/coconut oil, add the cacao powder, syrup, and salt. Let cool on the counter or place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. When this mixture is cool, but still in a mostly liquid form, the chocolate will stay on your cookie better. Place your dipped cookies on a plate covered with parchment paper and allow the chocolate to harden in the refrigerator. Then enjoy!

 *For a sugar free version use monk fruit sweetener (3-4 Tablespoons should be enough for this recipe).

**If you are not a vegan and have access to good,  clean butter, feel free to replace the coconut oil with the same amount of soft (room temperature) butter.


Paleo cookies are fragile. Please handle with care.

These cookies can be stored in a refrigerator for a few weeks. They also are freezer friendly.


Three Ah-MAZING DIPS made with plants.